Greetings from Northeast Wisconsin!
With beautiful perennial flowers and all sorts of plants waking up showing off their brilliant colors, trees budding, grass experiencing plush green foliage, and weather turning warmer; Northeast Wisconsin has awaken from the brutal winter of 2013/2014, and I believe nice weather has finally arrived! People are certainly out and about enjoying the warmer weather as May of 2014 is winding down and in the books.
This May, like others, have had numerous celebrations and festivities world-wide! Let’s start with Mother’s Day, here in the United States we honor our Mother’s on the 2nd Sunday of May; there are more than 46 other countries who honor our Mom’s however it may fall on a different day. Whether young or old, alive or deceased, a Mother is an added jubilation wherever you live! I know in my case this certainly is true; although my Mom died a very harsh death suffering from Parkinson’s(weighing a mere 65 lbs. at the end), I will always remember her strong character and support that she has instilled in me! God Bless All Our Mother’s!

Another major May celebration is Memorial Day, (always celebrated on the last Monday in May,) honoring our men & women who fought for our freedoms with the ultimate sacrifice, their Life! There are several versions of how today’s holiday of Memorial Day began, however for simplification it basically roots back to a tradition of honoring those who died in the Civil War. I sit some times in awe on how many dedicated people have fought for my freedom, and say what you may these people are all very special and gifted individuals. In my estimation, the gifts they all have are true courage, true strength, & true faith, which I think is the backbone of this great country! Memorial Day, celebrating the gift ofof Freedom!
May also gives us National Teacher’s Day Which was celebrated on May 6th. We certainly can’t say enough for our dedicated Teachers that have made sure we received the proper tools to move forward in our life outside of school! I think back and there were truly some“saints of teachers” to have enough patience for myself!
The month of May also is known as Foster Care Appreciation Month, whereas thousands of Mom’s & Dad’s are recognized in giving of their home and talents to feed, clothe, and nurture less unfortunate children. Yes the month of May celebrates Life, in many different ways; the life of Spring, a mother’s life of her child, and the life of our freedoms!
May also has weekly events and dedications such as National EMS Week, Teacher Appreciation week, National Nurses week, & National Police week to name just a few. Their are also more individual day celebrations such as: National Armed Service Day, & International Fire Fighters Day. May is a month that truly celebrates some of the devoted men & women that are dedicated to us and our children; and for that we say a sincere “Thank You!”
With regards to the Real Estate World Wisconsin existing home sales fell in April even as median prices continued to rise according to the most recent analysis of the state housing market released by the Wisconsin Realtors Association (WRA). Home sales declined 11.6 percent in April compared to the same month last year due to a combination of higher home mortgage rates, higher prices and harsh winter temperatures. Median prices rose over that same period, increasing 1.4 percent to $139,900.” Many analysts still predict 2014 to be an extremely strong year for the housing industry and here in Northeast Wisconsin we continue to improve. With interest rates still at a very good rate;“now” is the time to buy or sell. Whether you have a home, cottage, farm, land, vacation or investment property, I and the Jim Hooyman Team are committed to your complete satisfaction. We will gain your respect and confidence in today’s competitive market; simply put: “When You Succeed – We Succeed!” Perhaps you are, or you may know of someone looking to buy or sell, possibly a friend, colleague, neighbor, or business associate. You can rest assured we will do our very best to answer all needs, and “That You Can Count On!”
Thank You!
Enjoy Life, & God Bless Us All!